How to Take Great Blog Photos

Photography is such a huge part of blogging. Learning how to take photos for yourself is important so I’m going to share my tips. Personally, I noticed a change in the analytics when I took the time to learn how to use my camera whether it’s my phone’s camera or my Cannon. If I had done my research earlier, I would probably have bought a different lens for my camera.

First of all, especially if you’re taking personal style pictures, you should get yourself a tripod and a remote. You should also get used to using a self-timer. This way you can take pictures for yourself and not have to rely on someone else to take pictures for you. I usually get friends to take pictures of my outfits, sometimes that’s not always possible. I find taking some pictures yourself adds some variety.

Take advantage of natural light, it’s free and it looks really flattering. I personally love taking photos at around 3 pm. The sun is still out but it’s not too bright. If you can invest in lighting, then go ahead although I have managed to get to this point without any lighting equipment.

Here’s some great content produced by other bloggers giving tips :

Gwen from This Fashion is Mine

Elsie and Emma from A Beautiful Mess

Amber from Forever Amber

Teru xx

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