Bikini Body Guide Week 1 Review – Kayla Itsines

I did it!! Week one is all ticked off and done. I can already feel subtle changes in myself. My arms are feeling more toned and I am now very aware of my triceps. I’ve done three workouts this week – leg day, arm and abs day and then a full-body workout (the full breakdown is below).

Legs and cardio:

Circuit 1: Jump Squats, Squats, walking lunges, knee-ups.

Circuit 2: Jumps, burpees, weighted step-ups, medicine ball squat and press.

Abs and Arms:

Circuit 1: Push-ups, medicine ball squat and press, lay down push-ups, tricep dips. 

Circuit 2: Mountain climbers, ab bikes, sit up and twists, straight leg sit-ups. 

Full Body Workout:

Circuit 1: Medicine ball squat and press, knee-ups, ab bikes, walking lunges

Circuit 2: Burpees, straight leg sit-ups, weighted step-ups, push-ups. 

I found the workouts really challenging, the second round of the circuits really took it out of me and my press-ups to start with were absolutely shocking. It just goes to show hat I’ve not been pushing myself, instead, I was just doing the same exercises that I was used to over and over again. That’s not how you get jacked? You’ve got to push yourself. I will say that I did really enjoy the full-body workout – I don’t know if that’s because it was all the moves that I’d practised in the arm and leg day workouts or it just flowed a bit better. I will check in next week with how I found week 2.

Teru xx

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